Van Dwellers For Christ July 1 2021

I thought I would go back to my daily posts "for a  season" as it seems to be edifying to other saints. It is just the daily life of a gospel street preacher/his wife, as we travel/van dwell and preach Christ crucified all over America. I will add pictures, experiences, articles, teachings here and I will " try " to do it each day. (its hard on the road) It is like a diary for me as we live this free life, preaching Christ daily out in the world in this dark/dying culture. May you all be edified by it!

You can read some of our past 2019/2020 Van Dweller posts at these links here: 

Here is our teaching blog:

Here is our street preaching videos:

Interested in this life? See our Van Dwelling Tip Page to help: 



We got up and I saw this nice little camper that I call a marsh mellow camper.....

We then had to prepare for a day of street witnessing...


It was a glorious day street preaching at a festival by a beautiful river. The police got called and as usual they got the gospel too and I preached on.

See videos of it here as the gospel truth went out to so many:


Here is a video I made about free water and free camping:


Some say Paul was a Hopeless Fleshly Sinner Per Romans 7

This audio refutes that false idea:


This unbiblical movie man says Paul was a constant sinner and that is a bold lie: 


Sister debbie has scripture Psalm reading here:


That was a bit of our day in Christ....

I wonder what tomorrow will hold? We are traveling to Minnesota to reach another town and preach at a pagan patriotic July 4th festival, Lord willing that is. 

Here is our camp spot for the night....

Till we are all with the Father, be of good cheer. He has over come the world! John 16:33

God be praised


Here is the biblical gospel:
Here is a 10 point biblical test:
Spirit and Truth Teaching Blog
Go here for audio teachings
Go here for video's: