Van Dwellers for Christ July 16 2021


I thought I would go back to my daily van posts "for a season". To better redeem the time; I will add daily pictures, experiences and some witnessing we do, on the way. (most new teachings and verse by verse studies will be put in the Fellowship Gathering area) This post is just part of the daily life of a gospel street preacher/his wife, as we travel/van dwell and preach Christ crucified all over  America. May you be blessed by it!

See the gospel and 10 point test:


For those saints in Christ (united to us in fellowship,) I will be focusing MORE on posting fellowship gathering teachings & verse by verse bible studies as we travel/street preach. 

As you know, I now post those here for your and the NT bodies edification:

ps if you are looking for regular fellowship and edifying daily, shoot me an email, we are here for you. 


We had a short travel day, we arrived at our destination finally and as we drove, we went through a old town. There I saw this old pillar and it made me think of this verse: 

But if I tarry long, that thou mayest know how thou oughtest to behave thyself in the house of God, which is the church of the living God, the pillar and ground of the truth. 1 Tim 3;15



A saint had a Hebrew Root woman email her about what they teach. I though it was a good opportunity as a body to go over her email points and use God's Word to refute them. Sadly they do deceive many people these days. All you saints born of God listen in at the Fellowship Gathering audios to a teaching called Hebrew Roots Exposed to be edified / blessed:


I made a video for you as we traveled today. This is our life!


You know in van/camping life, home is where you make it amen?

I saw these campers as I walked..... all different kinds out here.


You can find hundreds of teaching audios to edify you here:


We are headed out to street preach at a unbiblical music festival tomorrow so I did a testing on one of their music artists. This music is fleshly/ungodly and these performers are NOT holy obedient saints but worldly deceivers. See the testing of a famous one below and see his theology is bad and as fruit; his children are rock stars in carnal bands & cheerleaders:


As we set up camp around midnight, there was workers painting the parking lot. I guess it could be a noisy night, oh well!

 Here is our night spot at a busy camp Walmart and there must be 30 campers here tonight! 

Just another day that has passed and eternity is coming! 

Are you striving to making yourself ready as a saint of God? We trust we are encouraging you in that, a holy life lived for Christ daily.  

God be praised 


Here is the biblical gospel:

Here is a 10 point biblical test:
Spirit and Truth Teaching Blog
Go here for audio teachings
Go here for video's: 

Here is our street preaching videos:

Interested in past van dweller posts and van life?

You can read some of our past 2019/2020 Van Dweller posts at these links here: 

Interested in this life? See our Van Dwelling Tip Page to help: