Van Dwellers For Christ July 4 2021


I thought I would go back to my daily posts "for a  season" as it seems to be edifying to other saints. It is just the daily life of a gospel street preacher/his wife, as we travel/van dwell and preach Christ crucified all over America. I will add pictures, experiences, articles, teachings here and I will " try " to do it each day. (its hard on the road) It is like a diary for me as we live this free life, preaching Christ daily out in the world in this dark/dying culture. May you all be edified by it!

You can read some of our past 2019/2020 Van Dweller posts at these links here: 

Here is our teaching blog:

Here is our street preaching videos:

Interested in this life? See our Van Dwelling Tip Page to help: 


I give you this Holy Word:

Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might.

Eph 6:10


Our day started out near a fire works tent as we camped in a parking lot as usual. It seemed right as we were headed out to street witness at a pagan Fourth of July festival.


Today I was saddened to hear some "so called" street preachers were in a fight in California. They were among those who did pushing / shoving then they were beat up by a antifa mob. They were at protest rally and it is NOT wise to go to such places of strife. These men who do sensational street preaching are a smear on God's name and Word. They go to these places knowing they are stirring up more trouble just to get internet exposure and they do not even preach the biblical gospel. I know you may get beat up (I have been) but you should be blameless in where, how and why you preach for God's glory. Most all street preachers today are carnal unbiblical men, even brawlers and they need to repent! 


We went to a July 4th celebration to lift up Christ....

(me in front of their killing/war machines)

See some videos and hear some encouraging audio's of us witnessing to people at this pagan 4th festival. 
(several men sought us out to talk truth)


We got there and the event started good and sister debbie was witnessing right by the van to a woman. 

Sister them made us a ice chocolate drink to cool us down. It was 94 today but a nice 15 mph breeze was there for us. Thank you Lord. Note: I had to hold on to my sign or lose it in the wind. :)  


 We saw a food truck drive by called the Taco Lab ... funny!

And these electric scooters were all over. You just run an app on your phone then use it, then leave it where ever for the next person....crazy!

We saw how they make war glamorized and it so very sinful/shameful, it is not of God.


I posted an article that exposes this pride filled war monger holiday: 


Sister did a ladies post called we are RICH!


We called it a day and left the festival before the drinking got too extreme and we had a quiet FREE camp spot all planed out. (sister made us a cod fish dinner... yum!) When I got to the spot and went in the store, I witnessed the gospel to a traveling man, his wife and 4 children. God is so good to us!

our night camp spot.......

The Lord blessed us today with safety, ears to hear and His name was glorified! 

It was just another day in the life of a traveling street preacher and his wife.

Tomorrow we have some morning work to do then we head out to our next town down the gospel road. (more preaching and witnessing to come, Lord willing)   

Note: We see so much willful sin out here. We want to fully honor all of you who are striving in holiness/obedience before the Lord. 

We honor you dear saints!!!! 

God be praised 


Here is the biblical gospel:
Here is a 10 point biblical test:
Spirit and Truth Teaching Blog
Go here for audio teachings
Go here for video's: