Here is just a few good witnessing experiences we had recently:
(see the pagan carved faces of Mt Rushmore behind my sign)
Here is some video/audios of our day on the link below from Mt Rushmore. We had lots of mockers, I dealt with police (as usual) and we had some good conversations with various seekers too. I was a awesome day preaching as numerous people came up to shake my hand or just encourage us on. American's know it is getting dark for this nation/world and some see God as the ONLY hope. We can see they appreciate our boldness to go and speak Christ's truth in the world and it is one of the reasons why we go, to be His light!
Jesus said the WORLD will hate His people. See Matthew 10
I find it is so VERY true as we preach out in the culture and at religious places. They often do really hate us but then; I find those who are the lowly under belly of the world like the homeless and beggars it is usually not so!
Today, I saw a park table full of homeless drifters/beggars so I went and preached the gospel to them. While one was clearly drunk; the others listened, received the truth, they did not mock it, they took gospel cards with my number (if they want help) and they thanked me. No, sadly they did not repent and leave their old life of begging, addictions and not working to seek/obey Christ but; they listened. I was VERY happy that they heard me say I loved them and they saw a human who cared. Glory to God as He makes me do this, NOT my flesh I promise. (they already had lots of food, shelter and water all over their camp and never give them cash!) I was also thankful that I was not attacked as they can be aggressive; if demonic, criminals or on drugs. The point is; they did not get anything "material" from me but; they all still thanked me. Then as I drove off; they even waved good bye. Folks, that does NOT happen at the religious places or out in the world.
The low, addicted and the humble often have hearts softer/closer to the Lord then the wealthy business man or the Sunday pew sitter so remember that saints of God.
Something to ponder huh?
I was walking in to a store and I saw this restored old truck that looks like new!
It made me think of my dad. (dead 12 years now) He was a unbeliever and he used to spend hours, weeks and months working on old cars to restore and paint them up. I thought how futile his life was now that he is gone! What vanity all of those things of the world really are!
Solomon said it well:
Then I looked on all the works that my hands had wrought, and on the labour that I had laboured to do: and, behold, all was vanity and vexation of spirit, and there was no profit under the sun.Ecc 2:11
I am so thankful God rescued me from a life full of vain ways as I was on that road once. Let us labor most for that which is eternal amen saints?
What do you see in this picture?
It is a coffee maker on a generator. Funny huh? I had another awesome witnessing encounter today:
A camper next to us was up making morning coffee and I saw his truck hood open so I went to talk, to see if he needed help. We discussed his job of transporting rv units all over the country. He went on to tell me he is a believer in Christ and that his home in Texas gets vandalized a lot (like weekly/just petty damage done, nothing big and no stealing) and it was making him upset, fleshly & angry all the time.
I shared with him my own flesh struggles with mockers, street preaching, police, violent men etc and all that happens out here then I asked him a question:
don't you think it is satan's main plan to steal our joy/focus daily with the cares of this life, stresses and material things to keep us from focusing on the kingdom of God most?
I also said if they stole it all or burned it down, will it really matter in eternity? I said; we really need to be thankful they are not stealing it all and God has a purpose in it all.
He smiled and said that is so true man and we both promised each other to be more kingdom focused daily and not let cares of this world that is dying and fading away get to us. I preached the gospel to him and he thanked me and he gave us a small gift that his wife makes. It was a good lesson for us both!
Jesus said:
But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof. Matthew 6:33
Then we got ready to go but first; I had a perfect witnessing opportunity with a trucker who is struggling in his marriage and in his faith. We was so thankful we met, he said God's Word and hope had really lifted him up. We hugged and off he went.....Thank you Heavenly Father.Today a young man walked up to me, he had a bible and it was awesome!Here is the biblical gospel:
We then were off to preach at Mt Rushmore; a busy tourist place. (See the link of that below) As we were in the parking lot at Mt Rushmore; a Ukraine man came over, gave us cold drinks (ones we love too) and he shared how sad the American culture is. He said so much suicide in the youth here; when they have so much. But in the Ukraine where people have far less, he said there is no suicide! Very telling and it was a blessing to speak with him. (hear it on audio on the Mt Rushmore link)
Once we were done witnessing, we ran into a Pentecostal false minister at a store claiming he can heal and that has raised the dead. More coming on that with a testing / video. It was a full and busy day in the Lord.....
Praise report:
We stood outside of a heretical OALC building not long ago to call them to repent and we got a email from a person who encouraged us on. They said they left it, that it is a wicked corrupt faith system, that it protects sex offenders and they invited us to their state to witness at those OALC places. We were glad we could encourage them in their faith.
Here is that link on them:
Our work is NOT in vain!
We had today what we call a...... Bonus Preach!
We stopped at a gas station in eastern Wyoming and hello..... right across from the gas station was a good sized car show. We got gas, ate a quick lunch in the van and then; since we had the 3 P's for street preaching (parking, people and public access) we went out and on the spur of the moment. We held signs and I street preached to the people so it was a added bonus to our day. It was nice as some took cards and others waved; as they drove by. (no mockers at all today and that hardly ever happens!) Someone did call the police but since we were on a public side walk and not bothering anyone, he just drove up then waked around and drove off giving us a thumbs up.
Go here to see several videos of our time there at this link:
Then once they started to line up for a pride filled car show parade, we were out of there and on the road again. That is the life of a traveling street preacher and we are both always so excited to be used of God in this way. Honestly, we want to do it till we die!
The Word Goes Out
As we traveled I had some good witnessing on the way and here are just several:
***At a stop that we made for ice, I saw some bikers who had left Sturgis (a big vile biker rally) and they had Jesus vests on. I went to talk to them and the man claimed to be a preacher. He would not talk to me much, so I asked him for a card and he gave me one. Said he was a outlaw preacher? Not even sure what that is but; biker ministries are far from biblical or teaching people to be living a holy life, that I can tell you that. I plan to email him and see if we can go deep in the Word.
***Then as we packed up to go a man who said he has a camper van, came over to talk van life. He like our custom van and we chatted about much. Then of course he got the gospel and he was open to it, he listen, then thanked me and then he drove off.
God be praised
Here is a 10 point biblical test:
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Here is our street preaching videos: