Street Preaching at Cranfest Warrens Wis Sept 2021

We went to one of the largest festivals in Wisconsin and had a glorious day lifting up Christ. This small town literally closes down its roads to have this event each year. 

Some high lights of the day:

*we had various people come up, get edified and be helped in God's Word

*we had the event manager try to shut down my preaching but the truth/knowing the law made our way straight; so we preached on legally.

*we had quite a few tell us to keep preaching.

*we had some mockers (it is best to handle them quickly, tell them truth / you love them, then move on. Do not entertain mockers)

*as usual we had a few homosexuals trying to get attention doing lewd acts in front of us but for attention. I just preached on / ignore those antics and they just stop and walk on. (do not take their baiting ways, I keep preaching the gospel and warning of God's wrath in general. Note: Do NOT focus on the one sin they want you to; lest they come up and ask you directly what God's Word says on it, then lovingly tell them. Stay focused and you direct the preaching; NOT them!

*sister debbie witnessed to and edified ladies who were seeking truth

It was a great day and God was glorified as we warned thousands of Americans about God's wrath coming and offered His goodness via  repenting in Christ not Sunday man made religion that is a cancer! 

See many videos and audios here to edify you at this link:

God be praised


Here is the biblical gospel:    

Here is a 10 point biblical test:  

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Here is our street preaching videos: