We travel full time all over America to street preach Christ crucified in the lost culture and at religious places/events.
I thought I would go back to my daily van posts to edify the saints. To better redeem the time; I will add daily pictures, experiences and some witnessing we do, on the way. (most new teachings will be put in the Fellowship Gathering area) This post is just part of the daily life of a gospel street preacher/his wife, as we travel/van dwell and preach Christ crucified all over America. May you be blessed by it!
See the gospel and 10 point test:
Some more links for the bodies edification:
ps if you are looking for more regular daily fellowship, communication and edifying, shoot us an email, we are here for you if obeying God's truth is your goal.
I witnessed to several Mormons recently and here are many articles that help you see through their cult ways/theology:
Another Scripture Twister Award goes out. This false man says sinning on does not separate you from God!
Here is a good witnessing audio to edify you. I met this man out street preaching and he stood, we talked as he listened to why his evangelical faith is NOT of God. I am thankful that so many seeds of truth were planted in him!
Sister debbie's latest post that will edify you:
Today we traveled to get closer to our next preaching grounds.
It is a BIG festival with about 140,000 people over three days and we will see how it all goes, Lord willing as usual!
We have an interesting spot camp dontperish tonight right by a marsh full of critters:
Lets all ponder this verse dear saints:
It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God.
Hebrews 10:31
Praise be to Jesus Christ who rescued us from our deserved fate!
Glory to God
Here is the biblical gospel:
Here is a 10 point biblical test:
Dontperish Facebook:
Spirit and Truth Teaching Blog
Go here for audio teachings
Go here for video's:
Here is our street preaching videos: