Dealing With Festival Managers for Your Preaching Rights

Here is a video where recently I had to deal with a event manager at a festival who tried to run me off and he told me some lies. 

He said that:

 I cant preach there.... 

I cant use a small amp..... 

I cant stand in one place handing out tracts and preach....

but none of that was true !

Make sure you know the laws and hold to them. If they have a amp law you will need to verify it by asking for the law. Then if it exists; just shut off your amp but preach on. Just know that them trying to tell you at a free open public place event that you cant stand in one place or preach, they are wrong. The Supreme count has ruled that religious expression is NOT loitering and we still have first amendment rights in America, for now! Do not let them tell you because some people do not like the preaching, that you have to stop. I do not like what they are doing but; I do not stop them do I? 

Know the laws then stand firm and preach on .....

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God be praised


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