Gospel Is Useless; Unless It Is Complete!

While we are on our 2017 Mission trip we seemingly always run into people who claim a faith in Jesus Christ via man made evangelical religion. Sadly when tested and asked what is the gospel they ALWAYS say:
Jesus death burial and resurrection from 1 Corinthians 15 and just believing in or accepting Him for eternal life is their gospel they cling to but it is incomplete and very dangerous!

We too embrace the foundation of Christ as the "core" of the gospel.
See this article we did on 1 Corinthians 15

But there is a GREAT danger in stopping there when the gospel is proclaimed to the lost as false converts are made this way. Let me explain why biblically.

The gospel means GOOD NEWS....

The bad news is that man is fallen, sinful and headed for God's judgement.
The good news is Jesus Christ alone has made the way to gain eternal life by His death burial and resurrection. That is the core of the gospel message yes, but it is NOT all of the gospel that leads to salvation.

It just cannot be and here is why?

Jesus paid a debt you nor I could pay, amen?

But how is that payment made to your account before God?

Just believing or accepting Him?

No....God's Word teaches otherwise.

Knowing your debt CAN be paid off is really good news but without knowing how to apply it to your account is quite meaningless is it not?


Someone calls you and says your relative in another country (you never knew you even had) has died and left you a mega fortune. Good news right?
But the man who called you hangs up and fails to tell you where to go, what to do and how you can get the fortune applied to your account.  He gives you the core of the good news, the fortune left to you, but he leaves out HOW DO YOU GET IT applied to your account? 

His good news is made totally meaningless to you unless it is complete, amen?

And so it is about Jesus's cross and His good news. He indeed died to make the way but unless you know how God has commanded you get it applied to you for eternal life you will perish in your sins following a false gospel.

Please know this:
Just believing, accepting Jesus, walking up to a alter call, saying a prayer, doing ministry work or going to church each Sunday is NOT how you get His payment to your account or how you gain eternal life.

There is MORE to the good news gospel and eternal life per God's Holy Word.

Have you studied to know the full truth yourself or are you allowing some man up in a pulpit paid to fill up your pews ( a modern pastor ) to tell you his version of the gospel? These men make the hope of eternal life/the gospel more attractive to others by NOT teaching the full truth. This is called seeker sensitive ways and it is sinful before God and a offense to the biblical gospel!

While do agree 1 Corinthians 15 is indeed the core of the good news gospel; Jesus and His cross and His resurrection, there is more to it. 

Here is the real issue:
When American denominational/evangelical false Christianity leaves out the rest of God's Word and they preach a less then complete gospel message; they cheat people out of the full good news and it salvation for them.

This is sin and another gospel that Paul warned about and he teaches is accursed per Galatians 1.

If they would just read the rest of the book of Corinthians; it lays out how we get the good news applied to us as Paul teaches about faith, repentance,new life, holiness and enduring in Corinthians. (As do other bible books)

Let us help you see the full truth and hopefully get God's free gift of eternal life credited to you.

If you read the full gospel here:
you will see the entire biblical gospel message people need to hear is this:

1) You must place your faith/belief in Christ and His work/resurrection.  John 3:16

2) You must repent; turn from your sinful ways to God's Holy Ways or you will perish. Luke 13:3
(This is a daily life long process not a one time thing.)

3) Jesus said you must be born again. (Not just be religious ) John 3.3

4) You must obey God's Word and be holy to see eternal life as fruit your His. (Not works) Hebrews 5:9 / Hebrews 14:12 / (this is a daily life long process not a one time thing.)

5) Both Paul and Jesus said to endure in that saving faith to get that eternal life. Matthew 24 and 1 Corinthians 15.
(This is a daily life long process not a one time thing as once saved always saved is a lie of man made religion. See this article:

That is the entire good news gospel message per God's Word not us. It includes the core of the good news ( Jesus / His cross ) and how to get it applied to you for eternal life to come. One without the other makes both quite meaningless! (Much like faith without works is dead per James 2.)

Hopefully you now see that just believing in or accepting Jesus is NOT the complete biblical gospel good news at all is it? Even the demons believe and tremble per James 2:19 but that does them no good.

In love...
we need to tell you that if you or your religious body does NOT teach the entire truth of God's Word and the full gospel message; your're in sin and NOT in truth at all. In fact; you may not be born again at all? You cannot have the real Jesus Christ unless you have the full truth as He is the truth. John 14:6

This is the sad state of EVERY American Christian we have ever met in 10 years of ministry. Yes I said that right......
(They are void of the full truth and the biblical gospel! )

People will say that salvation is simple ( and it is ) but by adding these biblical steps to it we make it hard. That is a terrible lie. God's gift of eternal is simple/easy to understand not hard, but it is costly as it will cost you everything; per Jesus. (You will need to lose your life to find it / Matthew 10:39 ) Like a marriage it is easier to do on any given day one time; but it is much harder to live out daily and endure in it unto death to honor your partner; amen?

Those who have a hard time with the complete biblical gospel really need to go talk to God about this as Jesus Himself said 3 things they really need to ponder:

*He said we live by EVERY Word out of God's mouth. Matthew 4:4 and we are just teaching the full Word and complete gospel that they ignore to their own demise.

*He said if you love Him you keep His commands ( which is ALL of His Word ) John 14:15

*He said this grave warning in Matt 7:
Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.
Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?  And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.
Jesus Christ King of Kings Himself says if you (that is religious people) do not keep His Word/Ways; He will turn you away into hell.  ( Fact: His true people keep His ways as fruit they are His, not works for salvation )

We fear that is the fate of MOST in denominational/evangelical man made religion in America today.
They are weekly following a false unbiblical system of man NOT God's full gospel truth.

We simply ask this:
How can "just a belief" in Him / His cross or accepting Him really save anyone; UNLESS it is a true faith that leads you to all the other verses/truth and Holy conditions found in God's eternal Word that He commands for His salvation offered? (Those are faith / repentance / new life / holiness / obedience and enduring in the faith as fruit your His... not works to be saved.)

Is God a liar????

Can religious man just "make up his own gospel and ignore the rest of God's Word" and still get to heaven?

We think not as God will not be mocked / Galatians 6 and Jesus is made a liar and we know He is NOT that!

American Christianity and its false / incomplete gospel is producing millions of false converts all over this land and we are proving that as we witness it all over the nation. In godly love we want better for you and yours.

If you truly have the biblical gospel, you're already striving in His Word and Ways and you're leaving all your sin, carnality worldliness and false man made religion (denominational/evangelical ) behind you to keep His ways alone. We stand with you in that and are here to help you!

If you do not have that complete biblical gospel today please place your faith in Him and repent; lest you perish!

In closing:
The core of gospel is Christ ...yes and amen!
But His Word teaches so much more on how you can and MUST attain it through Him; lest you miss the mark and be a reprobate (lost person) as spoken of in 2 Corinthians 13:5

Jesus said His sheep hear His voice and follow Him / John 10:27
They do not follow false abbreviated gospels and they certainly do not follow man made false religion that is all over America today.

God be praised
