In my continued article series on this unbiblical group, I need to address the fact that they harbor a man named Jake Gardner who claims to be a Prophet.
When I went to Wells, Texas to speak with them in Feb 2018, I made contact with Rudy W. a member there and their deacon Rick Trudea. Both told me, Jake was indeed a prophet of God. I biblically gave them the evidence that Prophets are not for today and God does NOT speak through men with new revelation, but they have been blinded by this heretical theology.
The following article uses God's Word and refutes that prophets are getting new revelation from God and it shows the bible is sealed today.
When I spoke to both men, they also used scripture from Daniel 12 and the book of Revelation to suggest that God's Word is now opened again and men ( Jake ) are being given new truth. The problem with these verses they gave me is they are pulling them OUT of context in BAD bible study form. ( cults do it often )
Daniel 12, the events of Revelation and Joel 2 and other scriptures that some will use to say we are getting new revelation again, is after specific end time events that clearly have not happened yet and it is set in Israel (Zion) regarding the Jewish people in the last days of man.
Rick nor Rudy had any biblical defense when I told them they are teaching or being taught, bad bible study habits far out of context.
Other facts need to be made clear here.
When that poor baby died on their watch, someone there in the leadership believed it would be resurrected. Was it Jake? If so, it is NOT a good sign of a true prophet of God at all, is it?
Also, Jake is seen on video promoting a heretic called Paul Washer as a godly man. ( Washer is a modern evangelical united to many false ways and pagan holidays as well ) NO prophet of God would call him a godly biblical man and promote him. In fact, right on their website they promote other questionable men of old who had calvinist, mystic leanings and other false ways. see them all here:
This is another sign this group is quite misled and being deceived by men like Jake. He is a prophet indeed, but per the evidence on display, a false one!
Note: I have reached out to Jake and like the other elders there, he is hiding from answering the important biblical questions about his ways.
Jesus warned it would be so in the last days.
Go read Matt 24....
Do not be deceived by them as Gods truth is NOT on their side. See them tested here with our article and video series as well on them. Note: we are adding to it all the time....
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God be praised
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