Don't Tell Me Instrumental Music is NOT Fleshly!

We go a a local McDonalds for coffee, to use the internet for business / ministry and to witness. I always see a old guy there and I have felt sorry for him at times as I always thought he looks so fragile weak, and half dead frankly.

Today they had a country band playing in a room near where I was sitting. ( in a sealed sound room thankfully ) Well, that old guy walked by me, slow as ever and he went in that room to sit and listen to their lively banjo and guitar music. The next thing I know... 
I glanced up and he is DANCING up a storm in that room!!! 

But as soon as the music stopped, he was as slow as ever!
The truth is this happens in Sunday man made religion every weekend. Dead people come to life for the fleshly music... but they are still very dead inside for the truth of God!
The point is... instrumental music.... is very fleshly, not for God's body and energizes your flesh NOT your soul. The truth is you cannot please God in the flesh.
Romans 8:8
So then they that are in the flesh cannot please God.

Feed your spirit in God's Word NOT your flesh.....with unbiblical music.

see why instrumental music is NOT of God's people here:

Let us know how we can help you.

God be praised!