Function NOT Fashion

I recently had a bible study with a new brother who is learning about biblical dress so this is just a quick blog to remind people of a simple biblical concept that will help you all:

Clothing/foot wear is not about fashion but all about function! 

Some facts: 

1) The original function of clothes was to cover us due to SIN. Mans sinfulness has turned it into a prideful sexual tool, which is sinful!
Clothing is God's way (He started it all)  to remind us of our fallen ways and to cover us up. See this article on that:

2) Clothing/footwear should then be all about a function to cover us, hide our forms and give us protection/practical reasons why we use them at all. Example: 
Coats for warmth and shoes are for foot protection etc. Nothing we ( born again Christians ) do regarding our clothing/footwear should be about fashion and looking good, showing off or getting attention to ourselves. That would be prideful and vanity which God hates. See Prov 6

These six things doth the Lord hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him:A proud look 

So remember saints...... clothing / footwear is not for fashion but function! It is to hide your form and so we should dress plain to honor God!  Here are other articles to help you in your biblical clothing choices as so few people teach on this important topic:

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