Finny Kuravilla Gets Scripture Twister Award

Finny gets the latest Scripture Twister Award for his twisting away at the words on giving away a tunic if you have 2 of them. 
(Luke 3:11)

As Finny teaches people to NOT live a life of excess and wealth to best obey God's Word;
but all the while he manages a mutual fund with $3.9 Billion dollars in it making money for himself and many others. 

Is this NOT the height of hypocrisy and scripture twisting?

Here he is teaching about "giving away your extra tunic", then you can see his company Even tide (that he started) hires men to help ULTRA HIGH NET worth people make even more money!!!!
Oh, the height of hypocrisy in this man and FOTW!

See Finny and his religious body and college exposed here for their false gospel and more unbiblical ways:

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