Jarrid Wilson Commits Suicide

A popular mega church pastor named Jarrid Wilson recently murdered himself and it is so sad. He was part of a worldly unbiblical religious system and on staff at Greg Laurie's unbiblical seeker church in California. I am indeed sad for his family and friends but need to speak out here as I have some important and for many, hard hitting thoughts to share in bullet point form:

*Jarrid was a claimed Christian, pastor and even a suicide counselor, yet he did not find enough hope in Christ to just live on for God, his wife and two small sons and the believers he knew. I offer up this is the sad ill fruit of man made Sunday ritual religion that serves a false man made up god, not the one true Living God. 
Jesus said to worship in spirit and truth John 4:24 but these unbiblical worldly religious systems are very from it all!

We expose the lies at our website:  https://www.dontperish.com/youve-been-lied-to.html 

*Many, including his wife and Greg Laurie are now saying he is with Jesus now and his pain is all gone. Do not be so sure folks! Suicide is murder of ones self and Rev 22:14 says murders do not go to heaven. Folks this is a unbiblical deceptive view of my God and I can't stay silent about it. These false calvanist types say once you accept Jesus ( that's not biblical ) you go to heaven no matter what.  Read here about their heretical once saved always saved ways exposed: http://spiritandtruthdiscernment.blogspot.com/2014/03/can-christian-backslide.html

*In great and sad irony, Jarrid and his wife started a suicide prevention ministry but now she is saying he needed Jesus to hold him. Question; is she not encouraging & enabling many to who struggle with this issue to go ahead and murder themselves to go be with Jesus? That is insane and heretical! Would it not be better to WARN people to NOT murder themselves for the fear of God's wrath to come? Isn't that the beginning of wisdom per Proverbs?

See Jarrid's wives quote here from her public insta-gram:

*Jarrid had just hours before, performed a funeral for a so called Christian lady who murdered herself the he murdered himself! ( by this it appears he had a fully functioning mind very near his murdering himself ) Imagine the people he was speaking God's hope to at that funeral, now hearing of his murdering himself. It is so sad!

Here is Jarrid's post before he murdered himself:

Jesus DOES give us victory over all of those things! I am very sad Jarrid was living a lie of man made religious activity without the full TRUTH ( Jesus ) that sets us free. John 8:32

*Jarrid was known to say that knowing Jesus does not take away depression and anxiety. While we never get away from all of life's woes, my God is ABLE to give us victory and to over come and get thru it all. Did he ever read John 16:33 ... Jesus over came the world for us and is able to get us through it all!!! 

*Jarrid was a worldly unbiblical man in a false evangelical emotional religious system made of man, NOT of God. This clearly could have contributed to his inability to over come his suicidal thoughts. Ritual Sundays, emotional music, funny sermons and worldly carnal compromised lives DOES NOT lead to life for Jarrid but to death. 

*As more proof of how lacking religious system are:
 Jarrid was on staff as a pastor with Greg Laurie even when all knew he struggled with depression and perhaps suicide. Is that using godly biblical wisdom at all in those who will be leaders?

*Here Laurie says in his post about Jarrid's murder: 
"You can call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline to get help". Really? Do you saints think they will point you to the living Christ and the hope we all need? No and its more sad fruit of false Sunday dead systems!

Jarrid was involved in worldly Laurie crusades with rock music, smoke, lights and glitchy unbiblical sayings. This is NOT of God!

In truth, Jesus said satan is a murderer and it appears he had his way here. Sadly Jarrid's life and murder really proves that his god was not able to help him endure till the end as Jesus commanded in Matt 24 in order to be saved. 

Please consider that will you? Let this sad event be a wake up call to save others...... 

In the end, by his fruit he did not have a true born again biblical holy life nor the true Savior and it is why I preach against these man made religious systems that deceive millions today at dontperish.com
We love the people but like Psalms 119:104 says:
Through thy precepts I get understanding: therefore I hate every false way.

 We too hate every false way and Jarrid was sadly part of all of that sin / false ways. So we must ask, did it lead to and help in his demise vs leading him out & to the One ( biblical true Risen Jesus) who could have indeed helped /saved him? Religious fake jesus is powerless to save.

To be clear, I am not saying who is in hell today. No that is not my place but I am also NOT about to say who is in heaven as that too is also NOT my place. But my God is not a liar and it is written; murderers do not go to heaven! Rev 22:14-15

Here is a article on suicide that shows it is really self murder:


Go here to see many man made religious places exposed to call men like Jarrid out of them in love, before it is too late:

Are you part of false worldly Sunday man made religion and part of the world? Repent and come out of that man made religion and the fallen worlds ways. Serve God in truth and overcome/endure to the end, for eternal life top come!

Go to our biblical resources below to help you in the faith....