False Experiences and Baptist Pagans

Today I had to go get some materials for the van and I got to witness to the man in a hardware dept. 

He took my gospel card and then he told me a strange story about how he was NOT saved by the Word; but by a experience where he took one step and he met God, felt love and then he stepped back and knew he had new life???? In love, I warned him about NOT running on experiences and challenged him to test himself in the Holy Word via the gospel.
I asked him to go test himself to the gospel on my website as there is more to eternal life then just feelings and experiences. 

Thy Word is truth / John 17:17 


Later in the day, we were in our van and a man saw our gospel signs and come over to talk. He was a man who hands out tracts and this was the bulk of what we discussed:

*He first said he was not with a church but; later defended the Baptists and even named his church????
*He wanted to say we are united if we just BELIEVE/are born in Christ but he got frustrated when I raised.... obedience to scripture.
*He defended pagan ways like Christmas and got mad over it.
*He said we all still sin a lot and was speechless when I said but sin separates us from God! We need to repent and leave sin....
*He walked away mad as I told him in love, if you hold to man made false religious Baptist ways weekly ( Mark 7 ) you are not showing the fruit you are in the Word and of God and he needed to repent. 

See this article on Baptist false ways:

I hope both men test and go deeper to trust in the Word of God vs false experiences and pagan man made ways. 

I care about them and I am glad God put me in their path with the truth!

God be praised


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God be praised.
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