New Brethren, Lady Beggar and Wicked Strange Spirit Men

2020 Witnessing Experiences

It has been a really busy 2 days !!!!

A man who came to the END of Himself! 

We got to make contact with and share the whole day with a brother striving in the faith. He emailed us and we were ONLY 45 minutes from his house. He is close to my age and we sat and talked for 8 hours about God's Word and truth together. In a short time, I gained a real fondness and love for him as I see God's spark in him! We plan to stay in touch, meet up again soon, maybe do some witnessing together then strive together / help each other grow in truth per Heb 3:13

Glory to God...... He is good!


Lady Beggar

We saw and stopped to aid and encourage a lady beggar. 
She was on a corner and we stopped to give her some hope and the gospel. She had the usual stories of why she was on the street. She was looking for money but we gave our usual food and the offer of our number to get her off the street / cleaned up into a new life. She has not called yet?


Heretic Revivalists on a Corner

We were driving to a new town, we missed two right turns and ended up driving right past this scene:

These men were standing out with revival signs, a 4 foot bible and loud music and the result was interesting when I stopped to talk:

1) they were not interested in talking about the gospel
2) they did not know the gospel to eternal life
3) the guy with the "ask me about revival shirt" was not interested in talking about the gospel when I asked him?
4) I told them I loved them but they showed no love but anger
5) they had revival signs but admitted when I told them that the bible says there will be no revival but a falling away
6) they named their religious body and LIED that they do not celebrate Christmas but they do???
7) they claim to follow the bible but have lady pastors, many bad doctrines and uncontrolled tongue speaking
8) One man judged me wrongly several times and I had to rebuke him and he admitted he...... was evil!  ( yep, he did! ) 
9) the other man was telling me about Jesus appearing to Muslims and that slain in the spirit false ways are of God
10 ) I warned them that is not of God giving them scripture but they rejected it out right and got angry.

I had to walk away rebuking them both per 1 Tim 5 / Romans 16. I had an audio of it all but the traffic noise/their ill music was too much to hear it well on line. They were another example of men out doing religious stunts but they are NOT about God's full truth at all......

Here is a article on the revival that will NOT come:

Be warned of pentecostal types as they are most often following strange spirits and false doctrines! 

See them exposed here in these articles:


See our resources below that will help you in the biblical faith.

God be praised

Here is the biblical gospel:
Here is a 10 point biblical test:
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