Street Preachers Should Respect the Officer of the Law

We had a glorious day street preaching in Florida and you can see a video of that here: 

We also had the police come see us and I (in my experience) think I have some good lessons for you street preachers

I have preached here before and made contact some weeks back with an officer and he had told me NO amplifiers were allowed. I honored that but noticed some musician's using amps? When I went back the next time, I saw the same officer and asked him about that and he said if I stayed off the main street by 20 feet I could us my small voice amp. That was good news and I did that on this day. 

Here is the lesson part:

As I was preaching with my small voice amp a young officer on a bike rode up and said I can preach, but I can't use my amp. I was respectful and kind to him, introduced myself and asked his name.  I informed him that I had just talked to an officer a hour before who said I could use it here, off the busy street. My wife even gave him the name of the officer and he knew him. He said no, I don't think so.... but let me look into it. I said thank you officer, please do that and of course, I will obey the law. 
He went to make some phone calls and I was pretty sure I would have to turn my amp off for the day. He came back and said,

 Well guess what?

He smiled and said, we have all been wrong. He said small amps are NOT prohibited if they are not loud beyond 50 feet. He then said you can preach anywhere around here you want, even on the busy street as long as the amp is not loud beyond 50 feet. 

How nice!!!!

I was thrilled and he was glad he got the law straight for us all. 
I thanked him for his service, he went on his way and I kept preaching. (A crowd looked on and they always seem disappointed to NOT see me arrested or run off, oh well! ) 

Here is the lessons I learned.

* Be calm, lay your signs down to talk and act respectful to the law
( God has ordained them.) 
* Talk to officers ahead if you can to be in line with local laws.
* Take down officers names so when people say you can't preach here, you can give them the officers name or other officers the name... it helps!
* Be willing to obey police, even if you think they are wrong
( these officers can get shot at, don't make a little noise ordinance a big issue / they are here to protect us all, respect them.)
*I am pretty sure if I was rude to him, he would have shut me down asap but instead, he ended up checking on the law and it was on the side of my preaching. 
* An angry lady told me "I had to stop preaching" but I told her I was legal and had just talked to the police. I encouraged her to call them and that stopped her protest asap. 

All good lessons to learn and for the glory of God.  

It was a great day, the gospel went out and off we go to preach again down the road. 

I hope these experiences will edify and help you street preachers out. Here is a article I did with street preaching tips and tools that may bless you preachers:


See our resources below that will help you in the biblical faith.

God be praised