3 Young Men Leaving Sunday Church and Questioning College Woman

We are on our homestead getting some modifications on the van done and with the corona virus panic / rage, the timing was perfect....thank you thank you Lord !!!

As we are here; we continue to study, pour out truth on the website daily and we get daily emails / phone calls often from those seeking help / guidance. I though I would share here a few to encourage the rest of you that others are out there striving and learning their way to the Christian faith. 

1) a young man called in Canada ( who is from Africa ) found our website. He is struggling with the reality that his local NT church s NOT teaching truth but MANY many made false ways. He knows he will have to leave them soon and he is now learning the Word to strengthen his leaving people.  We did a testing to show him the error of his current church.....   

2) A man emailed then called me from out east. His wife found our website searching head coverings and he was interested in calling me to talk. We had a long discussion and he is determined to stay out of Sunday church as it is false. He wanted to know about doing a fellowship from home. I encouraged him to start by studying /  getting his life and home in full order then go from there. We both were encouraged and he left to go study and obey God's Word and said he will be in touch. 

3) Another younger man from out east emailed me then called and we talked for a good long time. He is a new believer and he was concerned when a false teacher told him to leave his current church for the wrong reasons. He found our website and I was able to warn him about that teacher and then give him many many good reasons to leave his current evangelical body. He said he has much to think about moving ahead and we are doing a testing of his church body to aid him in truth.    

4) We had a single college young lady contact us with concerns about what we teach on clothing/head covering and woman in ministry. She claimed we were adding to God's Word and making new laws. When we asked to prove this ??? she backed away from that claim. But she began to hold to unbiblical dress standards and making allowance for error and loose standards. We lovingly instructed her in God's Word n detail to correct her and she said she would look into that and ponder it more deeply.     

God's truth goes out daily from the homestead or the van life and we hope it lands on fertile soils and grows deep within them all as we love them. 

See our resources below to help you......


See our resources below that will help you in the biblical faith.

God be praised