Corona Pandemic Pointers

 - For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.

March 22, 2020 

We are weeks into a corona virus scare and the nation is partial shut down. 

Beyond washing your hands often, eating well to keep your immune system up, sneezing in your elbow and voiding big crowds, I know there is so much to be learned from it all. I thought I would write some of those down here to encourage you in the faith. If you have not read my other posts on the Corona virus, go here to catch up;

What can we learn and put into practice asap for the future to be ready, help others and glorify God? 

I think these will help you:

1) You are going to die of something ( unless you are live when Jesus returns ) so NOW is the time to repent and get right with God or perhaps renew your commitment to Him and His truth as the days are evil and time is drawing short! Do not delay!
See the gospel here:

2) STUDY God's Word to NOT be caught off guard when turmoil, panic and evil comes. Make the STUDY not just reading of the Word your priority then OBEY it all. Then you will see God is IN control! The bible teaches of a coming one world evil government and anti christ that will rule the globe and enslave / kill the masses before Jesus returns. ( will help you in that) 

3) Stop following man made religious ways ( building centered ritual places and denominations ) You must come out of them ( 2 cor 6 ) and strive to BE the body of Christ in your homes daily just as God designed back in the first century. Man made religious Sunday systems are vulnerable as we see in this crisis but God's body is not. ( will help you in that ) 

4) If you are operating in FEAR, you are NOT operating in Christ and you are doomed / read Rev 21:8. We are to be different then the world so learn to live daily trusting in God, not your worldly situation and no virus or events will alarm you. 

5) Jesus said be wise as a serpent ( Matt 10;16 ) so take some steps to improve your situation in the next chaos to come in the world. Here are some pointers for you:
* Get out of debt ( strip your life down and pay off all debt or sell it off ) Debt enslaves you and we want you free. See my article on 3 freedoms here:
* Have several months of cash for bills/needs on hand for emergencies like this.
* Get out of big cities ( MOVE ) as they are much more dangerous in times of tribulation. Move into a more rural area at all cost UNLESS God has called you to stay and preach in the city.
* Have a smart supply of extra food, needed items and survival gear/know how ( being prepared does not make you a crazy prepper ) 
* Learn to live very simple and on little ( that will condition you for the future tribulation and makes your money last longer / we know about this as we have a off grid homestead and we are van dwellers on the road most of the year )

6) STOP watching the news all the time. It is fine to know some info but, your time in the Word / ministry should be many many times that daily then your time watching news. The media is mostly there to control and lie to you, NOT to give you truth. Get in the Word, find your ministry, be with other true saints if you  have them and strive daily to be about God's Word and work NO matter the times as that is really the fruit you are of Him.  

I will add to this list as needed.....

I believe these simple steps ( not all are easy I know ) will help you grow, rejoice in this times and be better prepared to the tribulation times to come. 

Let us know how we can help you?

God be praised


See our resources below that will help you in the biblical faith.

God be praised