Get and Stay Debt Free ..Van Dwelling Tips

           This page will point you to a biblical van dwelling life via the gospel to eternal life:  

Here is a link of our daily van dwelling posts:

                Be Debt Free!!!

We needed to cover money as a main point because it is a HUGE key and a BIG reason for van dwelling life: being debt free!

Apostle Paul said:
Owe no man anything / Romans 13;8

The bible is full of warnings about debt as it will enslave you and control you. Van dwelling life is a GREAT way to both "get debt free" and to then "live debt free" and use all your resources to serve the Lord. 

Think about it:

*no rent or mortgage
*no monthly utility bills
*no home repair / up keep
*no property taxes
*no home owner insurance
*no monthly stress / living pay check to pay check

Of course you will have van related costs too but we have found with wisdom and good planning, the cost to van dwell is FAR less then the average connected American life.   

If you do desire to get and live debt free, look into van dwelling life. 

Go back to our van dwelling page if you want to go on and learn more about this awesome life:


See our resources below that will help you in the biblical faith.

God be praised