Why Go Into Van Dwelling Life

This page will point you to a biblical van dwelling life via the gospel to eternal life: https://www.dontperish.com/the-gospel.html  

Here is a link of our daily van dwelling posts: https://spiritandtruthdiscernment.blogspot.com/2019/12/van-dwellers-preaching-christ-2020.html

                         Why Van Dwelling?

If the idea of van dwelling interests you, a good place to start is ask yourself; why do you want to be a van dweller?

This matters as we have seen many people try to enter it for all the "wrong reasons" and it was a total disaster for them. Because of the internet many have made van dwelling out to be easy, always fun, romantic, just different/trendy or even glamorous. We can tell you those are lies! The following is a list of GOOD reasons you should consider entering van dwelling life so you can test your motives:

*to live & travel for less to serve God in ministry
*you want to get out and stay debt free
*to be alone with the Lord / set apart
*or to be with your spouse 24-7 to serve God
*to break the 9 to 5 grind 
*you enjoy / want less material stuff
*you like small spaces and simplicity
*you enjoy adventure and ever changing situations
*you want to be mobile
*you want to kill your flesh daily
*break free from the worlds ways/systems

There are MANY awesome benefits to the van dwelling life and once you do it, you will enjoy them. But I would counsel you to not go into it just for those as you will not make it long. It is a total package and life changing so it is wise to take it all in before you start the process to make the transition. 

We will add to this list as we uncover more advantages that need to be listed here..... 

Go back to our van dwelling page of you want to go on and learn more about this awesome life:


See our resources below that will help you in the biblical faith.

God be praised