Roof Top Storage Van Dwelling Tips

This page will point you to a biblical van dwelling life via the gospel to eternal life:  

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Now this project was along time coming! We have traveled many thousands of miles ( about 40,000 )  with things tied to our roof and I never liked it that much. So we decided to make a nice dry bin on top of the van for nice, neat, safe storage. We thought maybe some pictures will help you grasp it all?

Here is how it looked when we started, just a metal rack....

I began to add white plastic lumber bolted to the rack to make the bin....

Once the bin was made I added a metal roof that hinges to open with prop legs...... 

Then I added some trim and a lock...... and 

  it was done!

 Now we have lots of secure, dry space to store things we need on the road. We put stuff in totes for extra protection and we can get over 8 totes up there with room to store other stuff too. 

We had investigated car top carriers but .....

they were like $300 each, we would need 3-4 of them and they did not look like they belonged there so I designed my own and we did this whole roof top bin for about $175 dollars. It will last the life of the vehicle and we think it looks great! What do you think?

On to the next project so stay tuned..... 

Go back to our van dwelling page if you want to go on and learn more about this awesome life:


See our resources below that will help you in the biblical faith.

God be praised