The Six Basic S's of Van Dwelling Life

             This page will point you to a biblical van dwelling life via the gospel to eternal life:  

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The Six Basic S's of Van Life

We have learned there are many interesting, unique aspects to the van life but for this article let me talk about the bare basics that we call:
 the six basic S's  

You will want to address these basics if you are going to thrive and do well in van dwelling. 

*Self Defense

1) Safety is pretty simple and to the point. You need a good sound, safe driving vehicle that has good tires, brakes, wipers, seats, door locks etc. Safety also means you will want to choose with wisdom where and how you drive, park and sleep at night as you can be vulnerable out in the world. We will cover this more over time in greater detail.

2) Support is considering how will you "pay for" your way in van life. Do you need to go to work, do you have savings and investments or can you run a small business to meet all your needs? This is vital as without wisdom and planning here, van life will fall apart for you! We will cover this more over time in greater detail.

3) Sleep is very important to humans as God created us to need a certain amount each night. We recommend that you set up your van so a sleep area is a major element vs daily comfort area. 
Example: We have seen people have really nice office or cooking spaces but they sleep on a tiny little uncomfortable bed. This will cause your days and quality of life to suffer. You can get by with less space for other areas and life is still good. But if you lack good nightly sleep, you will be miserable. We opted for a large queen bed with less living space in our rig and everyday we wake up refreshed, we are never sorry. You must decide?

Note: other than sleep and working inside at times, van life is about being outside, out in the world a lot.     

4) Sustaining just means you need to feed yourself, protect your self (in harsh weather/at night) and dress/clean your body daily. You want to find the best ways that work for you in this. It is a daily thing sustaining the body God gave you and it matters as it is your temple if you are born of Christ. 1 Cor 3 
We will cover this more over time in greater detail.

5) Self Defense is an area of great liberty ( you can choose options.) The truth is, you can go with much or nothing at all. As we said it is a dangerous world out here especially when you sleep in dark parking lots at night. I think it is wise to think ahead and plan here. Let's say someone is breaking into your van at night and you wake up, what will you do? Some people will just call the police, pray and wait. Others will have a sound alarm set off outside lights and maybe chase a criminal off. Some people have bought simple personal defense tools like pepper spray and others opt to have a gun with them. This is all a very personal decision. I will not guide you on this but I encourage you to have it thought out ahead. You may never ever have this happen to you but then the chances are good you could. Jesus did say be wise as a serpent. Matt 10:16

6) Storage is a problem in van life but made more difficult only if you want a lot of stuff! It is best to live as simple and with less as possible but you will need certain basic things you must store. Make sure you plan out your van layout to meet your own storage needs. You can add shelves or a top carrier to your vehicle and if you need extra things stored that you cannot part with, small storage units are not that expensive to rent. We believe simple is best on the road and we also encourage you to take some roads trips before you do your van layout so you can see what your needs are and adjust accordingly. We will cover this more over time in greater detail.

While we could of had 25 basics, these are just some real bare needs you must consider in the daily van dwelling life. 

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God be praised