Van Dwelling Budget Van Dweller Tips

This page will point you to a biblical van dwelling life via the gospel to eternal life:  

Here is a link of our daily van dwelling posts:

Many people enter the van life with money/saving as a major goal. 

They want to either get debt free or live and remain debt free; both are good goals. Because money does matter in the decision, we decided I would list a basic van dweller monthly budget (this is if you own your van / no payments) so you can decide of it is for you or it meets what you are seeking. 

Here is a basic monthly budget that we have seen in our van life to help you crunch some numbers of your own:

1) $275 gas
(we travel on average only 1 hour a day / we get 13-16 mpg / this number is at $2.00 a gallon of gas.)

2) $40 van insurance (we only carry liability) 

3) $100 maintenance / repairs / oil changes 

4) $7 propane for cooking    

A monthly total budget of..... $422 

Note: this is based on free parking each night which we have been able to do.  It does NOT include any MAJOR van repairs like new transmission or engine. It also does not include large heat bills if you van dwell in a winter climate. We migrate in winter so that problem is solved for us.  

***If you were able to live in a town with free parking and not travel daily, you can cut that budget way down to less then half! 

We believe this is an "AWESOME price" as it allows you to be free, mobile and travel for less then a tiny apartment with utilities and all the cost that goes with it. As you can see, I did not include food or phones or anything else you need as you will need those no matter where you live. My budget is just for the van dwelling aspect and travel costs. 

You will have to do your own budget and see what you come up with for your needs. We have found ways to live very FRUGAL and we will pass those on here to assist you,  over time. 

God be praised

Go back to our van dwelling page of you want to go on and learn more about this awesome life:


See our resources below that will help you in the biblical faith.

God be praised