Soft on Sin Sabbath Man, Selling a Vehicle / Giving the Gospel

I had an old truck to sell that I no longer needed. A young man came to get it and his dad was with him. It was so sad as the dad was very ill with cancer, half his ear was gone and he had a nasty wound on his neck from surgery. It was a blessing to be able to give them both the gospel and the HOPE that anyone can have if they repent and follow after Christ. I am thankful I get to be the messenger of the gospel good news!!!!!!


Next, we rolled into a new town for the night and a man saw our van and came right up to me. He said "I heard about you, can we talk"
It seems he heard about my street preaching and we had a long talk about 1.5 hours. The following are some basics of what we covered and what I saw in him. I hope this account edifies us all to sharpen our holy swords for the Lord. ( Heb 4:12 )

* He was a man who gathers with anabaptists but agrees they keep sin? It was confusing...
* He himself believes in the Saturday Sabbath but he gathers on Sunday? It was confusing...
* He asked for my testimony and I gave it with the biblical gospel.
* He was big on claiming Jesus blood over ALL our sin ( even ones we hold on to ) to the point of he could not quickly say that 2 men living in sexual sin together that claim Jesus ...are in danger. He was VERY soft on sin!
* He claimed to believe in "once saved always saved" but agreed that Acts 5 shows us sin/one lie can kill you and send you to hell? 
It was confusing...
* He tried to defend instrumental music for today but could only use the OLD testament verses and he agreed, we are not to live in the OLD but the NEW. It was confusing...
* He did not like how I called out local bodies on their sins like pagan holidays, dead gathers, false gospels etc etc 
* He claimed to follow Christ, who calls us OUT of sin but he admitted he lives in sin? It was confusing...
* He was not too pleased with my biblical teaching on biblical dress as he was NOT practicing that. 
* He got a bit upset at the end when the bible discussion did not go his way.
*  He really lied and said that I was unapproachable? 
Note: He walked up and we talked for 1:5 hours????? 
It was more confusion!!!...

I see the moral of this is do not defended sin, study and correctly apply God's Word and do not go to correct someone till you know you are walking in ALL truth yourself! Jesus warned about that in Matt 7 didnt He?

I care about this young man and I pray some truth we discussed will go deep in him. He had a lot of bible knowledge but it is being incorrectly used and done so far out of context. I was thankful we met as God is faithful to use His workers when and where He pleases! I am just a messenger, they all need to wrestler with God as it is His message, amen?

Go to my teaching blog for articles on many topics we discussed:

Heb 3:14 
 For we are made partakers of Christ, if we hold the beginning of our confidence stedfast unto the end;


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God be praised