The following are the most updated Corona death numbers for the World:
And for America:
While it is terrible anyone had to die, just under 15,000 is NOT the crazy panic HUGE number the so called experts were warning of. Remember they were talking up to 2.2 million Americans could be dead at one point and easily 100,000 to 200,000 at the very least.
Remember 650,000 die each year globally from the flu and 450,000 Americans die from cigarettes each year alone!
I have been warning this a virus but it was also; a government / media hype issue. Do you need more proof?
Now, they are back tracking saying this:
So why would they do this? They hype it all up then back down when the numbers are just not there? I believe they are doing it for several reasons. 1 ) training the world to for lock down martial law in the future 2) teaching people to obey the government and give up rights willingly for safety 3 ) drawing people together into the new world order system 4 ) destroying the economy/dollar and bringing in a digital dollar cashless world and 5 ) they want to vaccinate the globe with micro chips which will be a guise for tracking and controlling the masses with the 5G powerful internet signal they are also pushing.
That is this rich mans plan; global micro chips plants in you!!!!

I have warned about Bill Gates ( second wealthiest man alive ) as he wants to cut the population and use micro chips for vaccines and tracking people. He just left his computer company to focus on virus vaccines, full time. ( coincidence?? ) Do your research he says this all in his own words and much more!
Next, as they say in business: "follow the money trail"
Bill Gates is going to make money $$$$ off of vaccines and he is setting up 7 factories to make them globally. And who else stands to benefit from vaccines sales????
In comes Mr Anthony Fauci ( Trumps trusted doctor/adviser on corona matters.
This is the man who has hyped this virus, he is now saying we need MANDATORY vaccines globally and did you know;
he is on the advisory board of the people making the vaccines?
Are you seeing a clear picture now folks?
Men are getting ready to make money on the vaccines and they are the very same men pushing them via hype and media panic.
Is Fauci going to financially benefit from all of this???
The question really needs to be answered!
Jesus said be wise as a serpent Matt 10
Are you being wise as you see these things unfold? Repent, be born again and obey the gospel! It is the worlds ONLY chance as this evil is unfolding for future events to come!
See my other corona articles here:
See the gospel and many biblical resources below.
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Here is a 10 point biblical test:
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