Daily Truth July 29 2020



An article on:
the Atonement


Some of our 2020 Witnessing Experiences 
can be seen here:


Look where dontperish showed up....

Street Preaching at Mt Rushmore Park


4 Buddhists, Jesus and a Street Preacher

So a guy from Wisconsin/Missouri (me) is at Mt Rushmore in South Dakota, preaching about Jesus from Nazareth, Israel and....

4 Buddhist monks from Tibet walk right by.
"I do not make this stuff up folks!"

I preached to them that Jesus is the only way and that Confucius / Buddha are dead still and in the grave; but my Jesus is alive!

The monks looked at me with dead eyes and walked on.

It is never boring on the gospel road!


Latest sister's blog called:
Heavens Declare His Glory


Today's Van Dweller Post 
for July 29 2020 called:
Not Video Shy and The BIRD Flipped in my Eye


Here is the biblical gospel:
Here is a 10 point biblical test:
Spirit and Truth Teaching Blog http://spiritandtruthdiscernment.blogspot.com/
Go to our videos here:
Go here for audio teachings