Street Preaching at Mt. Rushmore, South Dakota Pt # 1

We had the blessing/joy today to go to the idolatrous, pagan, patriotic place called Mt Rushmore in South Dakota and preach the freeing gospel of Jesus Christ! Thousands went right by us hearing of the goodness and wrath of God to come; as I preached the gospel and called men to repent. As usual most were oblivious, ignored, snarled and some even mocked but a few sheep were reached. One man named Drew; even video taped some preaching for his channel as he was interested in the message of the cross. We spoke of it at length, he thanked me and we are in contact now! God be praised....

Note: this place is sinful as it is lifting up men like George Washington (a heretic deist) and Thomas Jefferson (anti christ)  who denied Jesus was God) and it promotes idolatrous patriotism that my Holy God HATES! 

See articles on patriotism exposed here:

See preaching videos of when we were there:

His truth went out and glory to Him!


Here is the biblical gospel:
Here is a 10 point biblical test:
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