A Baptist Faith, Will It Damn You?

 Will Lead You to Hell

I had another situation recently where a false teacher (see him exposed below in a link) was trying to rope in a weak willed, carnal, double minded man telling him being a Baptist is just fine with God. Here is his quote:

 For everyone's edification; lets take this text apart and show you God's truth:

1) If a person truly repents and gets Gods spirit, John 16 says it will teach you all truth. They will seek truth and LEAVE the false baptist faith as part of their repentance to obey God fully vs man made religion that Jesus said makes your worship in vain. Mark 7:6-9

2) Just rejecting a false gospel does NOT save anyone. Jesus said you are my friend IF you keep my commands. Fruit of a saving faith is obedience! Man made religion does NOT keep God's Word and we must be in spirit and truth to worship per Jesus. John 4:24

3) If they are seeking to obey scripture, they will leave the baptist faith that man made not God. Luke 13: 3 "repent"... means to turn and leave sin! They will also learn about and avoid such things as Christmas and Easter as sin against God. (what Israelite was allowed to openly willfully sin against God's ways and still find salvation?) Seeking to obey scripture means you LEAVE the Baptist faith as it is not obedient. 

4) According to this false teacher you do not have to obey to serve God? My bible says saints who claim God, can be lost if they stay in sin. See Acts 5 and the couple that lied then God killed and in James 5 it says if a brother sins and you stop him you save a soul from death!

5) You are not automatically lost but God will judge when men stay in false ways vs repenting to His word/truth as led by the spirit. Romans 8 says if you are led by the flesh you will die but by the spirit is life. If you are led by the spirit it does NOT keep you in the man mad false baptist faith. 

6) We are not saved by any church system. Salvation comes by a saving faith in Christ, via repentance to new life, with fruit of obedience/holiness and enduring. But if you willfully stay in sin/keep Baptist false ways, you are not showing a saving faith/new life at all and are rebellious against God and thus will be lost.  Heb 5;9 Christ made the way for those who obey Him.

7) The body he mentions is a false cult like body that makes up man made ways like a contract for unity/salvation. That has nothing to do with calling people who claim Christ to OBEY God's word and come out of all false ways. It is very different to obey God then to obey men. Read Acts 5:29

Here is an article that points out the sins of the man made false Baptist faith:

In closing, this false teacher who text is very heretical and ecumenical willing to over look sin / false doctrine for favor of man. See him exposed here:

God be praised


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