Tunics Explained

                                (man in tunic)

In Genesis 3:21, God put mankind in a tunic like garment and he never changed His mind. Recently I had a man ask me about the wearing of a tunic as he was struggling with the idea of this being a biblical command of God. You can go to these articles to see why it is indeed biblical and how to easily do it. 


Many get confused on the word tunic or robe and think it is some complicated thing and it is not. A tunic is a long loose shirt or robe garment that covers our form, that is all. 

For this post; I just want to give you a simple illustration of what the tunic type garment really is and how today's dress is NOT biblical. 

 I will do it with this crude drawing I made:

Here you can see here the typical mans dress of today is not meeting God's desire for us to cover up our private parts. Tucked in shirts showing the butt and crotch off. (clothing is a sin covering after all)

In this drawing, we see the simple fix for it all. A long, loose, untucked plain shirt (tunic) that approaches the knees in length. It meets what God ordained and it is the biblical way to dress. Jesus Paul, Priest and all the Prophets wore such a robe like garment and Christ returns in a robe in Rev 19. 

The man I was talking to asked about running or working in a tunic and I have no issues being very active in mine as its very loose. It is a joy NOT a burden to obey God ( Hebrews 5:9)  unless you let your pride and vanity get in the way.  

It is a great hypocrisy in religious men (like anabaptist types)  who have their wives head covered and wearing a long loose dress (never pants) as they walk around show off their private parts to the world. They need to repent.

How you dress reflects what God has done in your heart. 

Repent and obey God's Word and not this wicked culture and its dress standards.

God be praised


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