Witnessing to Calvary Chapel Man in Iowa


This is another awesome witnessing experience that I want to share to edify others. I was not able to get an audio so I will just recap the highlights for you. We met this younger man and he saw our gospel signs and came over to talk. At first he was saying we had left false man made religion (he was a ex Lutheran) but as we talked he revealed he was  Calvary Chapel attender. We covered all the usual things like the biblical gospel and the 10 point test that exposes his man made evangelical system. He really listened and even asked questions. We covered:

*Calvary Chapel and its false teacher Chuck Smith who was united to men like Rick Warren. 

* I mentioned the Calvary Chapel false teaching heretic men like Jack Hibbs who says you can mass murder people and still go to heaven (once saved always saved / see him say it and see him exposed below) 

*We talked about coming out of the world and man made religion

*He asked me about is it a sin if a couple does not dress biblical or head cover (I told him yes if they know the truth) 

*He said he thought our meeting was of God as he has been pondering these things himself. 

* I explained how his American church system is modeled after Greek theater NOT God's Word. 

* I told him if he stays in his man made false system/sin, he is serving a false jesus (2 Cor 11:4)

Interestingly, I then told him about how I was a salesman once but my faith lead me out of it all. He said just TODAY he was offered a salesman job and he asked me for advise in it all. He thought is was very timely indeed!

We talked for 40 minutes, he said I gave him much to go ponder and he got the offer of help of course at our website and my cell phone.

He gave me a big hug, he thanked us, and then he walked off.

That is how God uses us out here and He gets all the glory!

See the 10 point test and gospel here:



See Calvary Chapel and Jack Hibb's exposed here:



God be praised


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