Email Answered on Men's Biblical Dress (Tunics)


As usual, I like to answer email questions sent to me, on the teaching blog to edify all saints all over the world. This email was sent when a man and I were discussing many topics and of course men's biblical dress (tunics) came up (as it should if we claim Jesus as Lord). 

Here is an audio that proves tunics are for all men who call on Christ:

See his email below with my answers and some ***** by my words/answers.


Greetings brother Jim,

I am following up from our previous discussions regarding biblical attire. I pray that the Lord would bless you and I am thankful to our God and Father for establishing you and giving you a voice and a ministry to speak God's truth, and biblical truth no matter the consequences or response from the world. I ask that God would richly bless you in your endeavors as we see his day ever approaching.

******** Thank you sir and God is far better to us than we deserve but that is grace we receive; as we strive to obey Him!!
After study, prayer, and time in the word as well as reading a bit of history of clothing and historical articles that I am sufficiently convinced for myself that modern wear (even determined modest attire) has been influenced by man and that it is indeed more fitting and proper for men to wear a 'tunic-like' covering that covers loosely down to the knee.

******** I praise God you have come to see this fact that culture has decided what men and woman should wear vs saints using the Word as our guide.   

I thank you for bearing with me throughout this process. From the start of our dialogue on the matter, my understanding has been that I am personally convinced or on that process, but that it is more a matter of practicality, preference or command (never considered specifically what we've discussed a command from my biblical study) and whether this is a matter of conscience or a command for all disciples to follow and how we ought to share on these things.

******* To be honest, this paragraph confuses me and others I showed it to? I will just comment that it is a command/ordained matter of God since he put us in tunics in Genesis 3:21. Plus we see all saints/Jesus doing it in the scriptures as they are the model we follow per 1 Cor 11:1 and Jesus returns in a robe Rev 19. Just like marriage, it never changed, so if God does it I am not sure how you or I would not think it is for all times since it was given well before the Mosaic law and not just to Israel.   

I am not good at putting together thoughts in a manner to convince, nor do I wish to win an argument, but I will leave a few bullet points here in regards to how we speak on this matter as well as others.

******* Great, let me answer them in the Word

- Is this a command that obedience should be immediately required before fellowship?

***** Those who name the name of Christ are taught, informed and then expected to obey all scripture. Heb 5:9 For new believers there is a short time to teach them what the Word says and get them to see it then apply it and obey. Col 1:28 says we need to present every man perfect. 

It is not written anywhere as a command, but something that God established and later beyond the bounds of scripture over hundreds of years man has slowly altered.

**** First do a word study on command. In Hebrew it is: tsavah
It means to set in place, to give, to order. God did that in Genesis 3:21. How can you NOT see it as a command? 
 Tunics for men ( and for women) was put in place at about creation.... yes, right after marriage for all of mankind. Not sure how you can separate out the two as when God does, says, orders and shows us how to live, it is an ordained command? 
Remember in Mark 7:6-9 Jesus says just adding things like washing of pot and cups to God's ways, and ignoring His ways, VOIDS your worship. What do you think ignoring them does bless you, oh no! You realize God shed blood to make those tunics and that points to Christ's blood to come as an archetype, how beautiful!!!

- How ought we to teach/admonish one another on this matter? Jude 1:22;  2 Timothy 4:2

******Jude 1 says

"And of some have compassion, making a difference:  And others save with fear, pulling them out of the fire; hating even the garment spotted by the flesh". 

****We do have compassion/love and that is pulling men out of their sin not leaving them in it. James 5 says ...that saves their soul from death! Leaving a brother in sin is wicked, NOT loving, as what damns is sin, right? 

*****2 Tim 4:2 says

"Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all long suffering and doctrine."

***** Yes long suffering and doctrine. See there is not one verse that says we are to be long suffering while saints keep sin. Jesus said put them out in Matt 18 and Paul says do not eat with a lazy brother 2 Thess 3.
We are long suffering/patient as we teach the new saints the Word and ways of God. Once they have that knowledge, they must be held to obey it, or God is mocked. Here is an audio on long suffering and it is NEVER in allowing sin in the body. 

- In regards to not looking like our Lord or Apostles/they did not wear/have what we have. John 17:15 
Could this not be applied to technology, cell phones and internet? Certainly we are in the world striving to not be of it, and the internet can be used for great means, but it's also clearly part of a larger 'beast system' that tracks, monitors and seeks to manipulate our behavior. Gasoline and many other modern amenities smart phones/microchips are acquired and built on slave labor.  Are these things that we ought to command believers flee from or are these a matter of conscience?

********John 17:15 says
I pray not that thou shouldest take them out of the world, but that thou shouldest keep them from the evil.
*****Technology has NOTHING to do with a direct ordained ordered way to dress our temples. Not sure how you can get there if you stay in good context? This in John 17 is a command to not be worldly, sin or be part of anything of the fallen world that causes us to sin. Jesus paid taxes to pagan vile Rome so just being in a culture is NOT sinful. It is how we let it affect us in its ungodly ways or not let it. We are to be a light here but NOT live like them so the tunic dress falls in place perfectly. Technology is not sinful until we use it for sin. You found me on the internet using it for God's glory didn't you? We communicate on the internet right? You run a business on the internet amen? What we are to do is live holy while keeping ourselves unspotted from the world James 1:27 which is perfect religion, and dressing biblical not like the world... helps us do this.  

Denominationalism is bad, false unity is likely worse. Is this a matter that breaks fellowship and unity of the brethren? Ephesians 4:2-3

***** Both man made ways and false unity are sinful. As I said, Paul said do not eat with a lazy brother. 2 Thess 3 / Jesus said toss out men who keep sin. Matt 18 
What authority gives you or me to say Genesis 3:21 is less important in ANY ordained way? Temple coverage is HUGE! Remember the priest Uzzah? He died touching the ark when God said DONT! 2 Sam 6
Also in Acts 5 God k'ills a couple over one lie.  Need I remind us the entire world fell into sin over one piece of fruit eaten that God said DONT eat! ( He means what He says.)
So to answer your question, yes once a man understands the ordained ways of God and rejects it, he is to be put out till he repents lest you allow leaven in. Gal 5:9 / Imagine if we let just any slang words be said, fleshly music, Christmas trees and unbiblical doctrines in; what will you have? American churchianity for sure but God says NO, come out and keep His ways!   2 Cor 6

I got the sense that we could not converse further/be in fellowship unless this matter was resolved. 

******Not true.  I will lovingly converse/help you to see this doctrine or any other thing God ordained for a long time. I will be patient and give you time to grasp it, test it and see it as I have in this case. Once enough time has elapsed and if you cannot show me that my understanding is in error biblically, you will be expected to obey God's commands/ordained ways or no fellowship is to be had with my house or body. Please show me ONE just ONE verse that says we are ever to over look any sin to have fellowship as I can't find it in all these years?

I say this in peace and love, but is this not the same disputes that has led to denominationalism and scisms throughout Christ's body (as if Christ can be divided)

***** Actually no, because denominations leave for unbiblical ways. I am holding fast for bibilical ways that FEW want to fully live out today. Romans 16:17 says 
Now I beseech you, brethren, mark them which cause divisions and offences contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned; and avoid them.

*******Notice it is those who leave sound doctrine that are the divisive ones. Also read 1 Cor 1:10 and the unity Paul beseeches in Christs name (that is a DO IT statement) us to have:
Now I beseech you, brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that ye all speak the same thing, and that there be no divisions among you; but that ye be perfectly joined together in the same mind and in the same judgment.
**** I ask how is it that full perfect unity ever found if we do not agree on what God's Word teaches us to do? It is not biblical unity if we allow error /sin so it is a false unity as you said. Let's strive for FULL BIBLICAL unity and we can get there if we cling to the Word and kill our flesh!

- Is a loose fitting pair of jeans and an untucked plain shirt that covers the crotch, but does not extend to the knee/below the knee equal to nakedness? 

****** Nakedness and not being biblically dressed are not the same thing. A woman in wild patterns is not naked but, she is NOT biblically dressed either per 1 Peter 3 ... no adorning. Nakedness is many things. Do a biblical study on it sometime. On length....I have no tape measure rules and I am not the clothing police, but I encourage people to follow the Word. I do find an untucked shirt that barely covers the butt and crotch is NOT enough (I have tried that) as in the wind and when you bend over, you easily expose your private parts that men and woman are to cover up as we sinned and God showed us His will! A tunic was normally knee length and that fits as Levitical priests had to have their thighs covered. (God gave them a under breeches that later became our pants) I have a simple but godly rule, whenever in doubt, fall on God's side and NOT yours or the culture. We have been doing that for years and it has served my home well to be holy and God honoring. When we try to lean towards the culture, we end up in sin! Also 1 Peter 5 says men are the examples. Can you wife wear a top that barely covers her butt and crotch and be biblical? NO, she is to wear a long dress (1 Tim 2 apparel in Greek is a long robe) You and are are to be the model of biblical holiness and most men fall into dress hypocrisy and it is shameful. Note: I do want to mention you said once that a tunic might make it hard in your business to get along. That is exactly why we should act, talk and dress biblical as it will spit us out from the culture to go and do something else more godly. That happened to me as a salesman. I started dressing biblical and it was my ticket out of that life that led to my full time ministry. If I would nave compromised, I would not have left there and grown as I have in Christ. Examine your business life and ask is this really a good and pure Phil 4:8 way or could I simplify my life, down size and do a simple more pure job; less connected to this vile culture? Most people strive to stay close to the culture to get along but God says COME OUT OF HER and touch not the unclean thing and He will receive us. 2 Cor 6 
Test that out will you and I think the answer will bless you and help you in this biblical dress decision.  

Should a believer be condemned for being in sin if they have never had this taught to them or shown through scripture that it is fitting and good to walk in this manner instead of that?

**** The answer is no and I have never condemned anyone period. I warn and I have reminded men what the Word says and Jesus told me to do so. Matthew 28:20 He said teaching them to OBEY all things He said! 
Once they know about a topic and they will not do it, it is now willful sin that Christ blood will not cover. Heb 10:26
For if we sin wilfully after that we have received the knowledge of the truth, there remaineth no more sacrifice for sins,
******That should make us all tremble and run to obey!!!

Much love to you brother Jim in our Lord Jesus Christ. 

**** We love you all as well

Seeking to obey him in all things in all ways in these days. Peace to you as you read this note

***** Amen seeking to obey Him in all things and that would be tunics for men and dress for women. I have heard these points many times and as I have shown with scripture; they really do not stack up. I recommend we just see what God did, kill our flesh and then OBEY it as fruit we have His spirit in us. 

*****Here are articles for men on tunic including how to make simple ones:

****For a visual, I believe this is a general picture of biblical dress for men. Of course we can all look different somewhat if we just keep the biblical frame work in mind of a tunic to the knees roughly, very loose and unadorned. 

God be praised
