The following are the latest updates of just some of our travels and witnessing experiences as full time van dwellers preaching Christ crucified all over America:
Nov 24 2020
We were all around Missouri the past few weeks, at the homestead quickly and then; we headed south into Oklahoma headed for Texas, then who knows where????? God knows....
Here is a recent teaching on the Vanity of this life:
Here is a good witnessing experience I had with a newer believer:
Praise the Lord I did not have to use this once!
We have escaped the winter areas this fall without hitting any snow.
Note: We go south to warmer climates in winter to street preach where people are outside but; we ourselves prefer the colder temps.
Setting sun on the old gospel camper van
Here is a interesting reading of Psalm 23 .... in a tunnel
I witnessed to an atheist who believes in God???? Yep!
We started a new area on our website for children's teachings:
Lots to come there.....stay tuned.
We added a gospel sign holder to the van generator box as we quickly visited the homestead for some projects. Read on it and see pictures here:
We see all kinds of campers out here even..... moldy old ones!