Lords Supper At Home or On the Road


The following article is to encourage you and educate you on the Lords Supper and how it may be done at home alone, with family, in a small body or even on the road. In the past I have written articles on what is the Lord's Supper and how men try to control it and lord over it in great sin. (see those links at the end of this article)

First; a confession to my wife, other fellow believers and you out there who may reading this. I was raised in a luke warm roman catholic home and I experienced GREAT heresy and hypocrisy for many years as a small child! I also had some very bad things happen to me regarding that false faith and the Lord's Supper in my youth. Sadly these events stayed with me into my adult faith life and tainted my view of it all. I won't go into the details (Luke 9:62 looking forward, not back) but I will say that those experiences (along with my past feelings of never being worthy to partake) caused me to not correctly focus on and even "over look" the great importance of this event handed down by Christ Himself. I had a terrible blind spot in me due to my past, that I have come to realize. I repent of that all and I am striving to put all of that behind me for God's glory. I gladly embrace His broken body and shed blood for my sin and it alone is my GREAT hope for eternal life to come!

And almost all things are by the law purged with blood; and without shedding of blood is no remission.

Heb 9:22


Many will say you have to be a pastor, ordained, in a religious building or have other special requirements to do the Lords Supper. It is NOT so! Some will also try to tell you the bread and wine is more than just bread and wine, that it is mystical. The fact is they are just powerful physical symbols of what He did for us. Those saying those things are liars / deceivers and your own study will show you that. See the articles below, then study to see in scriptures that it can be done and partaken of by anyone who is a blood bought obedient saint.  

With that said, I want to teach and encourage you that if you are that holy obedient saint born from above, you can and should partake of the Lord's Supper to Remember Him. 

Matt 26

And as they were eating, Jesus took bread, and blessed it, and brake it, and gave it to the disciples, and said, Take, eat; this is my body. And he took the cup, and gave thanks, and gave it to them, saying, Drink ye all of it; For this is my blood of the new testament, which is shed for many for the remission of sins.

1 Cor 11

And when he had given thanks, he brake it, and said, Take, eat: this is my body, which is broken for you: this do in remembrance of me. After the same manner also he took the cup, when he had supped, saying, this cup is the new testament in my blood: this do ye, as oft as ye drink it, in remembrance of me. For as often as ye eat this bread, and drink this cup, ye do shew the Lord's death till he come.

Note: remember to examine yourself each time and to NOT take His body and blood lightly while keeping, sin as God judged men in the past with death. (1 Cor 11:37-32) If you are in willful sin, you would be best to forego the partaking until you have repented and did away with said sin lest your trampling His blood. 

Fact: Jesus ordained this at a Passover meal where they ate a sacrificed lamb. He has now become our lamb so we partake in the Lord's supper today.

How to partake?

I just want to quickly describe for you how you and your family or home fellowship can partake of Christ in this way at home or on the road with some key suggestions/points:

*Simply decide to add to any meal setting the offering of the bread and the wine. (Set it out to be taken and poured by each saint who wants to partake of it.) It can be given thanks over (the bread) then broken as Christ did it. That is a powerful symbol I think (but that is not a requirement, though giving thanks should always be done some way either out loud or silent by each person.) Sliced bread is fine too if that is what you have as it is the spirit not the letter we are aiming at.

* How often you do it is up to you (daily, weekly monthly or annual) It is a remembrance of Him and we have liberty to decide when/where.

*All you need is wine or grape juice and plain old bread (in the bible the Jews used unleaven bread/crackers as that was a symbol of sinless-ness) In Matt 26/1 Cor 11 it was done at a meal, not taken alone as it done today in churchianity. Couples and families can all drink from one cup or separate cups, either way. 

*There is no special saying or bible reading needed to be done. Let it by spirit led. You can have your own tradition and read from Matt 26 or 1 Cor 11 or you can speak from the heart or say nothing at all. 

*If believing men are present, it should be them that read the scriptures to the body if it is to be done at all (1 Cor 14 ladies silent.)

*You decide at what age a child should partake. (I would suggest unless they are able to maturely comprehend it all and are a baptized, born from above saint, they should just observe all until such time they are.)

*Those saints who gather to eat, can be told the elements will be there and they can partake or not partake as they see fit. (It is good to give a notice of you can so people can examine themselves as Paul said.)

*Remember the KEY to this all is that it is a powerful symbol of His broken body/shed blood as a remembrance for us. 

*Like prayer, you should ONLY partake of the Lords Supper with saints that you know are holy and faithful not sinful and compromised religious people. 

See an article on NOT praying with everyone here:


That is about it folks! It is not complicated, it is not mystical nor is it to be a dead ritual that is done so often you lose the focus on what it is all about. Like hugging your spouse/children, make sure you mean it and embrace it biblically each time you do it otherwise the Lord is NOT interested in you partaking of Him. I also recommend that everyone does a bible study on the topic so they are well versed on its origin and meaning. I have articles below to help you in that. 

One last suggestion:

Find a balance between having a great reverence for the Lord's Supper without making it into more then it really is. It is a simple physical symbol for us to embrace and do alone or together till He comes for us (nothing mystical about it). This is no magic pill to eternal life.  The truth is our Creator would rather have you be a biblical, holy, obedient saint in all your ways daily, than to be in sin daily and partake of the bread and wine often. 

Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice

1 Sam 15:22

The Lord desires obedience, not just religious dead actions is the main point. 

I hope you were edified here and encouraged to seek out this great blessing from our Lord. It is our prayer that you do it in a way that glorifies Him and meets His New Testament model, NOT man made false religion that has corrupted it for its own gain. 

Here are the other Lords Supper articles to help you:



God be praised
