The Homeless Man in Oklahoma and Why We Go


When you travel full time and do what my wife and I do (street preach across America) you have to be strong inside and endure many hardships, dangers, unsavory, ugly and discouraging things. To keep pushing on; of course we draw on the Lord's strength via the Spirit (Romans 8) But there is also for me, a man, I admit a certain boldness / some would say a hardness that is taken on or you will be too fragile, fail and fall back in the face of all the adversity out here. I normally am not moved/effected on the spot in my heart felt emotions as I have to keep on task. I always do ponder it all later but wisdom tells me most all of these men "choose" this life and we reap what we sow. Today I was challenged in my emotions by a homeless man on the spot and let me explain!

We went to street preach outside of a Salvation Army place in Oklahoma on their Thanksgiving day. It was in a homeless area of town and they were all around. You can see the ugliness of those so called Christians and some good witnessing on video here:

We had some nasty opposition from the Salvation Army workers who hate God's full truth (they got angry and called the police and one man drove his car right at us) so it was a stress filled day but God was glorified. As we were winding the day down (preaching the gospel to all who would hear on the sidewalk) I saw an older man walking so frail, alone and walking slow as he went to get some food there. As he was leaving, I reaching out to him and said would you like a gospel card to find eternal life sir? He stopped and I though he would then turn and walk right by but; he turned to come get it. As he got close, I could see his condition and it was not good. He was very dirty, he smelled, he had a few very brown teeth and his face was covered with what appeared to me to be many meth sores. (drug use) Our eyes met and it was a moment of great emotion for me to come. Most homeless do not get close to you, or look you in the eye but this man did. For a brief moment we had a connection and I could see his eyes were so dark, so very sad and deep in his face. I could not help but see distress and pain all over him. He was the picture of a very hard life with MANY bad decisions made, that I am sure. I introduced myself and my wife and he gave us his name. I told him that God would receive him and the gospel is good news if he will embrace it. He then said the Salvation Army does not teach us about God at all. I warned him about man made false places like it and encouraged him to read his bible to find God's kingdom and eternal life in Christ. He got a gospel card with our phone number and a offer of help for him to leave the streets. He thanked me and as he turned to go, I told him I loved him. He stopped, turned back, looked me right in the eye and said I love you too. He then shook my hand we smiled at each other on the street. Then he walked off down the sidewalk back into his dark, lonely and sad life. 

I have dealt with hundreds of homeless men in the streets face to face and loved them with food and the gospel. But this encounter really hit me to my emotional core, way deep inside. I was still street preaching but was moved to tears, not becoming of a tough street preacher huh? (that is not common for me in public just ask my wife) I care about them all but the truth is you have to keep going out here or you will be buried in sadness and despair. Yet for some reason with this man; I started thinking about all his pain, how did he get to that place, how does he sleep in the cold, did he have family and what would become of him? Oh I know; he is choosing that hard life still as my phone is not ringing for help. But it is rare when these men look you in the eye and you can have connection, even as brief as we did. As I pondered why I was so affected by him it hit me. I said ah Lord, I see it.  First, that could have been me as I made so many bad choices before you were guiding me. I saw myself in him like never before. Second, I knew God used this man to pull me inline and in compassion; something you can lose in the daily battle. I felt almost guilty that I was in a better place then this poor soul as I am no better and I DO NOT DESERVE where I am today. I wanted to run down the street, catch up to him and scoop him up to a better life, but I know better. Men must repent, choose Christ and most seem to get so low, they never choose to get out. It is my prayer we gave him some hope and love to do so? These men really need repentance, the biblical gospel with a changed heart and mind and the good news is waiting there for him as a great help, as I am. 

These corrupt unbiblical places like Salvation Army do NOT care for the souls of men as they only fill the belly for a time. Oh they may help you off drugs but they know nothing of filling a man's mind and heart with the power of the true gospel of Jesus Christ to eternal life. I was so thankful I got to meet this man face to face and give him the hope of glory in Christ Jesus. I will never forget him or the look in his dark deep sad eyes that spoke to me!

Our ministry must march on, we will leave tomorrow and go to many more towns across America and preach the good news to thousands more people, who we pray will listen. I will meet hundreds more homeless sad men.  But I cannot forget this homeless man as God has used him in a special way. I now know it is to keep me lowly, humble, "soft and sensitive" and as a street preacher/evangelist on the evil front lines in these last days, for that I am ever so grateful!

Thank you Lord ......

Psalm 136 

O give thanks unto the Lord; for he is good: for his mercy endureth for ever.

O give thanks unto the God of gods: for his mercy endureth for ever.

 O give thanks to the Lord of lords: for his mercy endureth for ever.

 To him who alone doeth great wonders: for his mercy endureth for ever.

 To him that by wisdom made the heavens: for his mercy endureth for ever.

 To him that stretched out the earth above the waters: for his mercy endureth for ever.

 To him that made great lights: for his mercy endureth for ever:

God be praised


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