Van Dwellers / Off grid Homesteaders for Christ Jan 3 2022


We travel all over America to street preach/witness Christ crucified to the lost culture in the streets, at religious places and events.

I thought I would go back to my daily van / homestead posts to edify the saints. To better redeem the time; I will add daily pictures, experiences and some witnessing we do, on the way. (most new teachings like verse by verse will go here and I will put offerings in the Fellowship Gathering area also) This post is just part of the daily life of a gospel street preacher/his wife, as we travel/van dwell, live on the off grid homestead, make disciples and preach Christ crucified all over America via online and in person. May you be blessed by it!

See all of our resources at the end of this post to edify you in the truth.  

ps if you are looking for regular daily fellowship, communication and accountable loving edifying, shoot us an email. We are here for you if; striving for the Kingdom and obeying God's truth is your goal.



Witnessing 2022 / Older Man and Several Amish Men  

I had some great witnessing today in town and I want to share some audio of it. This is to teach, edify and encourage you to preach the gospel; if your are living it biblically. Go to this link and listen in:


Selling God's Truth / Jesus made a WHIP (John 2) for these men's backs!

Here is wicked anabaptist men who claim to be living like Jesus as they teach all kinds of false doctrine and THEY SELL BIBLE STUDIES for Mammon! (money)

David Bercot  (on the board at Sattler College) 

If you pay them enough money you get to join in to their video conference calls and even ask them questions. What compromised false hirelings they are!

Here is a article on why its sinful to sell the things of God:

By the way; the man behind it all Finny Kuravilla; sits on  $6 billion dollars of a hedge fund; that he runs. Yes, he says you should live simple and give away your extra stuff all the while; he makes millions making more millions for rich people! What a money hypocrite he is! They teach a false gospel, much heresy and here they charge you for it all. Please be warned of them and see them exposed at these links with biblical proof of it all.


Sister debbie posts this today for the ladies:


With a website that goes all over the world; we get emails on many topics. Here is a common type we get from lost evangelicals with a false gospel. I will post it below in blue.

See if you can spot the theological errors in it?

Then tomorrow; I will answer it as a teaching moment so; stay tuned.

I recently read your article online about Justin Peters and agree with you he is a false teacher by the bibles definition of true and false teachers. I do not agree with your position on salvation doctrine . All of John 3 specifically outlines in detail salvation and how to receive it ..When  paul writes about enduring in our faith it is an encouragement, not a requirement to STAY saved. If it means what you  propose then the finished work of our salvation is dependent upon us. We have nothing to do with getting saved, or staying saved. If you believe it does depend on something we do then you have made Jesus out to be a liar and the bible is full of contradictions. Remember that NT writers do not contradict Jesus, so we cannot use scripture to refute the teachings of Jesus.. please prayerfully consider 1 peter 1 , all of John 3, and John 6 verses 37 through 4O..To believe on Jesus Christ is our repentance...We have changed from our unbelief to believing on Him. No small task since this depends on grace alone    Jesus saves us, it is Jesus who keeps us holds onto us 1 Peter 1  Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who according to His abundant mercy has begotten us again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, to an inheritance [b]incorruptible and undefiled and that does not fade away, reserved in heaven for you, who are kept by the power of God through faith for salvation ready to be revealed in the last time.

John 15   16 You did not choose Me, but I chose you and appointed you that you should go and bear fruit, and that your fruit should remain, that whatever you ask the Father in My name He may give you. 

Hold fast ye saints of God......

God be praised


Here is the biblical gospel: