Why Do Men "Uncover" Their Heads as a Sign of Respect? **

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We all have seen the situation at a religious event like a funeral or at a wedding and there will be some man who doesn't remove his hat and people begin to stare and make a fuss about it.
Why is that?

It goes much deeper then just religious places as well. If you're at an event and the national anthem is played; most everyone demands "remove your hats, men" as a sign of decency and respect. It was not that long ago that men were even expected to remove their hats to bid tidings to a lady as they passed by. Where did this deep rooted "uncovered head of man" ideal and custom really come from?

If you study history many will try to tell you various explanations such as; medieval knights did it before Kings as a sign of respect and it caught on for all of culture. While that may be true I suggest to you this custom of not covering your head as a man for a sign of respect goes MUCH farther back. In fact; it comes from God's Word and His teachings to His people.

In the book of 1 Corinthians 11 the Apostle Paul took 16 verses to describe the proper order of a man and woman going before God (in prayer and the proclaiming of His truth) and he proclaimed it for all churches (people) everywhere. Paul taught that it was shameful if a woman didn't cover her head and he also taught this:

Every man praying or prophesying, having his head covered, dishonoureth his head
1 Corinthians 11:4

The dis-honoring of his head doesn't mean his own human head but it means he dis-honors Christ who is man's head.

Verse 3 says this:
But I would have you know, that the head of every man is Christ; and the head of the woman is the man; and the head of Christ is God.

So what was the practice of uncovering a man's head as a sign of respect before God was then later applied to Kings, special events, anthems and such. There is little doubt its roots are in the Word of God and those who seek His truth as a Berean ( Acts 17 ) will come to this conclusion as well.

What is very sad is that while today this ideal/practice that a man should uncover his head before God is still in play, feminism has ravaged the modern denominational system and ladies today do NOT "cover their heads" and thus it is a shameful thing per the Apostle Paul and God's Eternal Word.

But every woman that prayeth or prophesieth with her head uncovered dishonoureth her head: for that is even all one as if she were shaven. For if the woman be not covered, let her also be shorn: but if it be a shame for a woman to be shorn or shaven, let her be covered.
1 Corinthians 11:5-6

One place you will still see ladies practicing the covered head ideal is when they get married as they will wear some sort of a veil or resemblance of one (and not for biblical purposes). But sadly they have been taught it is not for them in their day to day lives or it is their hair which is NOT true at all. Biblical godly ladies should cover their heads per God's Word just as men should uncover theirs.

As our website makes known; it was not that long ago ( 75-150 years ) that not only did men uncover their heads but ALL respectable Christian ladies "covered their heads" with a cloth veil; not just hair, as a sign of godly obedience, modesty and respect. While the religious places today still hold to many unbiblical things handed down by the reformers that they lift up and respect ( like Luther ) even he taught biblical coverings for ladies as did all of Christianity for about 1900 years till feminism rose up. Go to HERE our complete teaching in head coverings that refutes biblically the modern idea it is not for today.

Men, do you uncover your heads before God and ladies; do you cover yours just as the Word teaches?

Some points to note in closing:

*Men are commanded to NOT cover / veil before God. We are to be uncovered / not veiled..... this means whenever we are praying or preaching or talking of God or witnessing... we are to be uncovered.

 When asked can a man wear a hat for sun or winter protection, I say yes as a hat or knit cap is NOT a biblical covering /veil really per the Greek word used in 1 Cor 11 but it should worn sparingly is my conviction not all the time. It should always be removed in prayer and when preaching/witnessing to be fully uncovered and be a good witness to others. 

*Women are commanded to cover / veil for spiritual reasons and there is also the modesty/covering of her hair issue that men do not have to consider. 

These are important issues to study on and obey for God's glory!

Please know this is not a holding down of woman but it is a real blessing. What you do see today is ladies using her hair all styled up and such to "attract attention" (hair is very sexual in this culture) but if she covers it in a always prayerful mindset that the bible teaches, it is also a protection for her as well. It is really about the proper headship order that God has ordained. Look at the world and what happens when you leave the divine plan that He gave us. What you get is a over sexual, rebellious and confused society that leads to confusion, disorder, destruction and death but:
there is hope!

This is more proof once again of the truth of God's Holy Word that has indeed permeated the world. Today even pagan / unbelieving men today still unknowingly practice what has roots in the Holy Word of God; ( removing their hats ) even though most all of the fallen culture has now rejected the truth of God's Word or just perverted it. His Word will still stand and we ALL will answer to it one day.

We would encourage everyone to get back to those Word's of God ( the bible ) and find the fullness of truth there ( not man made religion ) lest you may practice false religion and perish in your sins.


Let us know how we can help you? 

God be praised