Home Fellowship ( House Church ) Help For You

If you're tired of bouncing from religious building to building and not finding God's full truth practiced there, let us help you.

You WON'T find it in mans religious buildings!

Denominations are lying to you:

We left man made evangelical ways 10 years ago and have been testing them for years and have never found a religious building that is fully God honoring or desiring to be. It is a fact!
Most often they are deceived into man made false ways to fill the pews and led by a man who desires power vs all truth. You must flee such places per Romans 16:17.

God does NOT require you to GO to church as so many will tell you. He desires you come to know Christ biblically by faith and repentance. Then by being made new, with obedience and holiness to His Word and ways, you endure in Him till the end.

Obedience pleases God, not going to some building for so called religious worship services/church that keeps false ways.

You can serve God where you are, at home, studying to be approved and living a holy set apart life for Him where you are. Then if He grants it, others may come along desire the same and you gather and fellowship with true saints on the narrow path in your home or theirs or a park wherever! Or like Noah, you may be called to strive in alone the rest of your life?
The point is, stop looking for a biblical body and strive to become a biblical servant first, then the rest God takes care of as He is sovereign.

*** We travel the nation preaching the gospel and helping others BE the body right there. See our van dwellers for Christ page here:

In order to help you right where you are today:
Can we offer you the following links from our website that will help you start that journey as you leave religious apostate buildings on every corner and mans false systems, for His glory.

First you must have a biblical gospel to test yourself and make sure your born of Him:

Next here is a quick 10 point biblical test that will help you see yourself and religious bodies in Gods truth vs false ways:

Go here to learn the characteristics of a true NT body vs man made to BE His body:

This link explains life in His body NT vs man made ritual man led Sunday religion

This link refutes the must gather together lie they will tell of of Heb 10:25

Then read here to see why building centered ways are NOT biblical any longer:

Here are key teachings for godly ladies to honor God in all their ways

Here are articles for godly men

This link asks would Apostle Paul be welcome in the body you unite to:

There is so much more we could offer here to help you on your journey to love and obey God right in your home as you flee man made false ways of Sunday ritual religion. We do have bible study available and we are ready to assist you to BE His body right there vs running of to find a body. Most often running off to find others, that leads you into bondage, fellowship idolarty and many false ways.

See this link on bible studies:

In closing...
 The place first place to start if you have decided to STOP going to man made church, is to make sure you're born of God ( see the gospel ) then READ YOUR BIBLE at home and grow in His knowledge, truth and discernment. Turn off the tv and radio as false teachers abound there; as they do on the internet as well. Stay in the Word and test everything. 1 Thessalonians 5:21
In time if you over come and endure, men will rise up to oversee/lead as elders ( not lord over ) and His body will be added to by Him. See Acts 2

STOP.... looking for His body somewhere. Strive to BE His holy body right where you are!

Brethren, let every man, wherein he is called, therein abide with God.

1 Corinthians 7:24

We are here to help you anytime.

God be praised

brother Jim with sister Debbie


Here is the biblical gospel:
Here is a 10 point biblical test:
Spirit and Truth Teaching Blog
Go here for audio teachings
Go here for video's