Street Preaching Gone Bad John McGlone and His Hypocrisy Part 3

Go here to see other articles on street preachers GONE BAD!!!


In my series on street preaching gone bad /now part 3, 
I  bring you John McGlone, hypocrite preacher.  

John was part of Kerrigan Skelly but they parted ways and he has now started and Living Stones fellowship. I emailed John and I did a testing of him and you can read it at the end of this post. 

The reason I am using John as a example of bad street preaching here is he himself is hypocritical and I experienced this personally when emailing him. ( and I have the emails ) Why?

He goes into the world and calls out sins of the people just by viewing them ( harlots, gays, drunks, demonic music lovers etc ) and those are all sinful indeed. But when he is approached about certain sin's he ignores them ( like the sin of gluttony ) 
When I raised this to him in a email, he told me 
" I judge by appearance" 

How is John judging others as they walk by folks?

Total hypocrisy in him and that does NOTHING for the kingdom of God. 

I have found many SP men ignore the sin of gluttony but the world sees it in them and often calls them out for it. Sin is sin is it not?
See this article on gluttony:

For the record, here are other reasons John McGlone is unbiblical:

1) he street preachers in ill ways I have taught are NOT biblical per God's Word. ( yelling out the sins of the world to those walking by/going to vile places forcing people to hear his words ) Paul nor Jesus ever preached this way. 

2) John is NOT biblical as he is feminized and paganized. ( he does not teach head covering for ladies and he himself keeps the pagan roman-ist holiday of Christ-mass. it is shameful and another bad sinful example to the world.  

3 ) John is not discerning and has BAD and unbiblical associations. One of his men in his fellowship is fellow ( SP ) street preacher Jesse Morrell. This street preacher also does unbiblical preaching and he clings to heretic Charles Finney and sinless perfection ways. ( see those testings and biblical articles at the end of this post )  

4) John runs away from the full Word being proclaimed in love as he did that to me. ( see the testing below of him ) 

More hypocrisy...

He is just another sad said reason why most SP men in America are a STAIN on God's, name NOT a help in the redemption of others. 

Stay tuned as we bring you part 4 of Street Preaching Gone Bad

Charles Finney Exposed

Sinless Perfection Exposed

See Jesse Morrell tested here:

See Kerrigan Skelly Tested here:

See John M. fully tested here:

Be warned of these SP men.... they are NOT in line with Gods full Word. 

See the biblical resources below to help you in the true faith.

God be praised


Here is the biblical gospel:
Here is a 10 point biblical test:
Spirit and Truth Teaching Blog
Go here for audio teachings: