CB Radio / Weather Band and Wisdom for Van Dwelling

This page will point you to a biblical van dwelling life via the gospel to eternal life: https://www.dontperish.com/the-gospel.html  

Here is a link of our daily van dwelling posts: https://spiritandtruthdiscernment.blogspot.com/2019/12/van-dwellers-preaching-christ-2020.html

We consider wisdom/safety to be a big part of van dwelling life and communicating / knowing the weather is a big part of that as you are on the road. 

We would recommend the following simple items besides a cell phone with weather info on the road:

1) A CB radio so you can talk to others on the highway. Not many use the CB these days but if there is a accident/trouble often the channels lite up (esp 19) then you can get road/accident reports and perhaps help if broke down. ( cell singles do not always work on the road but CB's do )

The CB should have a weather band as then you can get weather reports anytime and plan to be safe. High wind / tornadoes are of the worst situations for a van dweller so beware always to plan accordingly.  

A CB will require a outside antenna as well. 

All totaled, my CB set up was under $80

2) I also recommend a portable emergency radio like this. 

It has the weather band, a flash light, a siren and it has batteries, it can charge by solar or you can crank it to charge it up. It will also charge a cell phone if you get the right plug for your phone. For $20 it is a nice little safety tool.  

Note: It is wise to check the weather daily to see if storms, flooding, ice or snow will affect your location. And, if you sleep at night with heavy storms near a tornado area make sure you do this:

* Have a plan where to take shelter like a sturdy building, a ravine or low spot. (Get low and cover yourself up as best you can as debris kills most people.)

* Leave your cell phone "on loud" for night time tornado alarms to be sounded

(*** never hide out in a van in a actual tornado as it is the first thing to fly away in such heavy winds. Be ready to leave the van in a actual tornado ) 
It is best to know heavy storms could be coming and park in a planned place that night. 

Be wise, have the tools and info you need and enjoy the freedom of the road life!

We will add to this list / article as we uncover more advantages and better ways to do things as they need to be listed here..... 

Go back to our van dwelling page of you want to go on and learn more about this awesome life:


See our resources below that will help you in the biblical faith.

God be praised